Fire Fighting Works

Wet chemical extinguishing

Extinguishing with dry chemicals

Extinguishing with carbon dioxide

Extinguish with water


Using water

Water is pumped through it to the extinguishing hoses and then to the burning material. It is also fed from natural or industrial water sources through pumps to raise the water pressure.


Using CO2

They are networks whose mediator is carbon dioxide gas, by compressing the gas into large steel cylinders to convert it to the degree of liquefaction, with these cylinders provided with metal pipe connections to distribute the gas in the place to be secured, and a detonator and extinguishing panel that operates automatically when ignition occurs. Carbon dioxide gas works to suffocate the flame and cool Temperature, and it is preferable to use it in places devoid of individuals so as not to cause suffocation for those in the place


Using FM200

The alternative gas is halon 1301

The idea of ​​the work of these networks is the same as the idea of ​​the work of carbon dioxide and halon gas networks, as it has the same performance strength as carbon dioxide and halon gas, but it is distinguished from them as a gas that is not harmful to humans and the surrounding environment, as it is an environmentally friendly gas as it does not leave any harmful effects in the place


Using FOAM

These systems are used on oil tanker ships and oil tanks as well as in pump rooms. There are more than one type of these systems, but the most common of these types consists of a special tank in the shape of a cone containing the foamy liquid and connected to the water line.